
Migration from AS/400 - The Options
Migration from Magellan, Gauss or OpenText systems

imageBusinesses evolve, adapt and combine. The fittest and most agile survive.

In these processes, it's sometimes necessary to move away from a platform or system. Balboa Peaks can assist during and beyond the period of transformation.

Don't strangle your business by clinging to old technology. Evolve, adapt, survive.

What are the issues ?
  • What are you going to do with all that data?
  • How do you fulfil your legal obligations to keep valid copies of documents for specific time periods?
  • Invoices - Sales and Purchase - HM Customs And Excise require these are held for at least 7 years.
  • Auditors will need access to reports for several years. Management will want access to the reports for even longer.
  • Design documents must be accessible where products are still available.
  • Test and materials certificates must be kept for the life of the product.

What are the Options ?

  • Keep the AS/400 running in the corner just to house the archive. There is a huge expense related to this, such as expertise, management, hardware maintenance, power, etc.
  • Reprint copies of all documents. It's incredibly expensive, un-green and highly time/space consuming, which is not a realistic option for even the smallest organization.
  • Migrate the documents into an alternate document management system (e.g. DocManager Windows server based version ). This is a good solution, but you're going to need help - contact Balboa Peaks.
  • Utilize Balboa Peaks' bureau service to electronically store the old documents, thereby enabling secured access across the internet.