The Latest On Kofax Capture
Balboa Peaks brings you up to speed on what you need to know
Kofax Capture 10 had the first major user interface update
since Ascent Capture 3. It's a big step forward and while it takes a little getting used to,
it does improve the user experience and is more intuitive to users who use
recent Microsoft applications which use the ribbon interface. User retrain time
- 20 minutes.
This update cements KC's position as the market leading Image Capture
application. Below is a screen shot of the new scan application.
Major New Features In KC 10.1
New User Interface
Work faster with completely updated user interface that uses
Microsoft Fluent UI standards, for the same look and feel and navigation as a
Microsoft Office 2010-2013 application.
Browser Based Indexing and Validation
Remote users simply open a Web browser and start entering data. Securely
administer your remote data validation stations, minimizing total cost of
Language Packs
Add another language to a base installation. Languages are now separate from the
core application. KCNS implementations are multi language from day one!
Batch Filtering
Search and filter batches in progress quickly and easily. Provides more advanced
control and visibility over the capture operations.
Enhanced Batch Workflow
Split batches into separate batches based on classification results. Enables the
routing of specific documents to specialised processes, users or operations.
Next Page - Why you MUST upgrade