About DMS4U

Kofax Capture, KCNS, KTM and more

Balboa Peaks staff have Kofax certifications in Kofax Capture and Kofax Transformation Module (KTM, Formerly known as Xtrata Pro)

Our goals are to:

  • Match and exceed your requirements

  • Implement Kofax products in a best practices manner utilizing real world experience based on over 400 installations and having worked on the product from the original Ascent V1.1 to the latest Kofax Capture 10.1 (KC10.1)

  • Train both administrators and users in the correct usage of the system to accelerate business processes by collecting documents and forms, transforming them into accurate, retrievable information, and delivering it all into your business applications and databases

How we do this:

  • Visit your organization to best understand the documents and processes involved. In some cases, remote access is adequate.

  • Define and quantify the documents involved, their purposes, their processes, their stakeholders and their regulatory and security requirements.

  • Detail and document the index metadata that will be required to retrieve the documents and how it links with line of business applications e.g. voucher numbers, policy number and customer account numbers.

  • Understand and discuss the processes used, bringing a wealth of experience from over 20 years of Kofax Capture experience.

  • Architect the solution offering advice on scanners, software modules and licence requirements to suit the task, without needless overspending.

  • Define how the documents and data will be released to the archive storage system whatever that may be.

  • Monitor and measure the efficiency to adjust the process where required.

Typical Implementations :

  • Enable scan and retrieval of accounts payable invoices thus reducing shortening payment cycles and reducing costs.

  • Add automated invoice data entry to existing Kofax installations.

  • Facilitate the storage of insurance documents to streamline claims and renewals processing and reduces administrative staff and costs.

  • Provide scanning and online viewing of proof of delivery documents to empower credit controllers to slash payment cycles and improve cash flow position.

Contact Us for more information